Armada Providence First Impressions The Providence(provi) is one of the coolest looking ships in the entire Star Wars lore, from its long pointed nose and mouth looking bit on the front to its (seemingly unprotected) observation deck elevated above the ship. I have now flown a provi a little less than a handful
Armada Venator First Impressions The Venator is why I fell in love with large-scale space battles as a kid, so I will try my best to be as objective as possible here. The Venator has been extremely fun to build and play thus far. It is the first non-huge ship in the game to
Armada Pelta First Impressions Let's start by saying I am not a huge fan of the rebel Pelta. It lacks speed, maneuverability, reliable firepower, and durability. I know many people love it for cheap fleet commands(IF!) and as an FCT squad pusher. Honestly, I don't think it's