LVOIS Championship 2025 - After Action Report

Let me start by saying that this was my first LVO. I have heard how much fun it is for years at this point and I am delighted I could make it! Getting to see many friends and playing Legion with them is always awesome. Thank you to LJ, Nema, and the entire staff who made this all happen. Huge thanks to Frontline for hosting yet another amazing tournament. For those who are ever on the fence about going to tournaments, I cannot recommend the Frontline Gaming Opens enough.
Congratulations to Kevin Clow for winning the Open event and to Michael Lohse for winning the LVOIS Championship! Both fellow Rebel players I might add. Love to see them winning two of the biggest events of the year on the same weekend.
In the Invite, I went 3-2 and placed 25th overall. There were six rounds total this weekend. Four on Saturday and two on Sunday.
My List

This list is fairly close to what I wrote about in my preparatory article. There is one major difference here though, Pathfinders. I still wish I was able to bring my Mandos, but with how much armor I was expecting (and saw) I felt like I needed to have some more impact. Bistan was able to not only able to add to my crazy impact total but also give me some Ion and longer-ranged attacks. There were a handful of times when I missed the mandos for their speed but overall I am happy with how this list performed. My heroes were menaces all weekend and my Fleets brought their best to every game I played.
Here are some fun stats from all of my games before I move on to my Bat Reps:

Grogu's Latent power only hit once for me all weekend, and it was pretty inconsequential. Scoring one bounty all weekend is not a huge surprise, I think Bounty has been a lot harder to score consistently since 260 came out. It's no surprise that Sleeper Cell is an incredible unit and this dodge number helps prove that. I collected 34 R4 dodges over 5 games, averaging 3.4 dodges per Sleeper unit, per game. I'd consider that pretty good for 80 points, especially with how they performed for me this weekend. I think my Pierces would've been a lot higher, but as you will see, I did not play against a single Red Save army all weekend.
Round 1 - Travis Clark, 4-2, 9th Overall (Best GAR)

Welp. What did I say? I knew this would happen. Cherokee 2024, I played against FOUR NC Natives, including Travis. In order to avoid them, I traveled across the country, hoping for some peace in my Legion life, but no. Apparently, the Legion gods just want me to live in Crit2Block Purgatory forever. (Please check out their YouTube, they do amazing stuff,)
Travis is always an amazing opponent. He is such a joy to play and, jokes aside, if I had to play him at every Legion event I went to, I'd be glad. He came back for vengeance this weekend and it was a success. He was playing Wookiee Defenders, a list that I think Crit2Block has perfected as a group. We played Bunker Assault and Recon Mission.
This game started off with a huge bang. For my first dice roll of the weekend, Bistan rolled 6 Crits and 4 hits into a Wookiee unit, resulting in almost an entire unit loss for Travis. My sleepers were able to pick up a few bodies on their way in and Travis' Shooty Wooks were able to throw quite a few wounds out onto Chewie and a unit of fleets. Over the next few rounds, we traded some serious blows. He was able to almost completely wipe the right side of the table and I was able to do the same to the left side. I had a small lead going into turn 3 since I was able to secure his top-right Bunker on turn 2. On turn 3, I made a mistake. I moved Din away from the top-right Bunker, which I expected to blow up this turn via other scoring units. Unfortunately, I misjudged the effective range of his Shooty Wooks and he was able to get a nice kill on a two-man unit of fleets who, along with a full sleeper, went to contest that POI. His Chewie was able to move onto that Point and tie it meaning I did not get to blow it up. This mistake is what both of us think cost me the game.
At Cherokee, our game came down to one mistake from Travis, this weekend I returned the favor. It seems every game he and I play is the most fun, puzzling, and sweatiest I'll have at a given tournament. Congrats to him for 9th place.
Round 2 - Dylan Disney, 2-4, 50th Overall

Dylan and I played Breakthrough and Marked Targets. It was a bloody game. The entirety of both of our armies were at the POIs in the bottom left of the map. Except, I had two Fleets and a Sleeper at the top-right against his Dooku and two B-1s. The first two turns were very bloody, my Sleepers and Fleets were rolling fire. By the end of turn two Dooku, both Spiders, and a B1 were dead, along with only one mini left in the Beef2 unit. By that point I had lost Han and a few bodies. The game sorta snowballed from there, I had really good luck on turn one and he was unable to come back from the losses he suffered. It was a great game and we had a lot of fun chatting while throwing our dice.
Round 3 - Travis Heinrich, 3-3, 31st Overall

This was also another fun game. It's been a long time since I've seen Grievous or Magnas on the table and I was happy to get some practice against them. Like all of my games, this one started out with a lot of blood. My sleepers and Bistan were able to wipe a Magna unit and put a few wounds plus an Ion on his AAT. Turn two was just as bloody with his remaining Magna and Grevious Killing Chewie and very nearly killing one of my fleets. He had three B1 units in the top left holding two of his home points, and he was able to kill my lone fleet unit holding my bottom left point. The rest of the game went with much of the same. I was able to secure the win by using Din to kill his Super-Tac who was both my bounty and a marked target. Being able to Ion his tank for all five turns was a huge boost for me in this matchup.
This game was a ton of fun and I particularly loved this table.
Round 4 - Tanner Lewis, 3-3, 28th Overall

Four rounds in one day is a tough test of endurance, not only for your army but for you as a player. By this point, my feet were aching and I was having trouble staying awake. Tanner's voice had gone nearly completely, so most of our game was both of us tiredly pointing at what we wanted to do instead of speaking.
My third game of the weekend against Droids. Normally I hate going against other white save factions, but to my benefit, my main practice partner (Nathan Morgan, 4-2, 15th Overall) plays droids and I had a lot of games against them under my belt.
Again, this game had a very bloody start. By the end of turn two I had killed Cad, one spider, most of two B2 units, and a B1. He had gotten Most of one sleeper and one fleet. The rest of the game went on with some normal blows given and taken but nothing huge for either of us. This was also the game where my only Latent Power of the weekend took place. On turn three Grogu immobilized Tanner's Maul, but in the grand scheme of things it didn't really matter. Maul and Din were both engaged and the only minis for each of us at that particular POI. The game came down to the last turn where I was able to move a fleet back into my home territory in order to Kill his remaining Spider. This gave me the one VP boost I needed to win the game.
A great game with a very fun opponent. I hope Tanner's voice is feeling better now, but I can say my feet and legs are still sore.
Round 5 - Will Healy, 5-1, 7th Overall

Healy, Healy, Healy. He is a person that I have chatted with many times on Discord over many different Rebel topics. I was surprised to see him without double T-47s since he is kinda the king of those things. For those of you who don't know, I HATE playing against other Rebels. All my fancy tricks mean nothing in these games since they can do them too. My record against other Rebs is not great, so I was not feeling particularly good about this game, especially since I know how great Healy is at Legion.
Again, to nobody's surprise, this game started with a lot of blood. By the end of Turn ONE, I had lost a Fleet unit and a Sleeper unit. My trade was a good one though, Healy misplayed his Luke at the start and I was able to get him off the table before the game really even started. The rest of the game went about how I expected it would. Since we both had Rebel tricks, neither of us had them. We both played Change of Plans on the same turn and we both had heroes to do special tricks and shenanigans with. By round five, I had a one-point lead and both of our armies were almost completely dead. I had Han, Din, and my Pathfinders left. He had Lando, one full Rebel trooper, two two-man Troopers, and Bad Batch left. The end of the game came down to one roll. He had to kill my Han in order to blow up one of my POIs. Han had taken two damage at this point, so I decided to go early with him. He was able to finish off two Rebel Trooper units, get two dodges, and bury himself in melee with Bad Batch. Healy then did the final roll into Han and rolled Six paint. I dodged two, leaving four. I rolled four blanks, and uncanny lucked into three more blanks. Healy killed Han and secured the win. 13-12 in his favor.
This was an incredibly close and fun game. The end game was a puzzle that both of us had to figure out. Just like my game with Travis, this came down to the very end, it even ended with the exact same score. Both of the same Objectives too.
Round 6 - Drop
My Wife and I's flights on the way into Vegas got delayed due to mechanical issues and we missed an entire day of our Vacation because of it. We were supposed to have all day Friday to enjoy the city and check out all the touristy stuff since neither of us had been there before. Sadly, we didn't get into Vegas until 4 pm on Friday, which was equal to 7 pm back home. It was at this point that we discussed our options and came to a decision. Since we didn't want to leave without doing all the fun stuff, we decided that on Day Two, If I won my first game I would continue to play and If I lost, I would drop so we could actually explore the city.
I am a bit sad not to have played the full tournament but all things considered, I'm glad I chose to spend time hanging out with my wife in Vegas. Seeing the strip, the Bellagio Fountains, Caeser's Palace, and other sights was a grand ol' time. If you have not made it out to LVO, I would highly recommend it, though maybe add an extra buffer day just in case you have flight issues...

Here is a Google Drive with pictures from the events!
Overall, I had an awesome time at this tournament. Excluding the traveling issues, I would say Vegas was pretty great too. I cannot recommend Frontline Gaming events enough. I love the tables they provide, the prize support, and the overall feeling of being in a huge hall with hundreds of players. I would love to go back for a future year, but next year I think I will finally make a trek out to Worlds 2026.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make this tournament possible and congrats to the winners and Top 8s in both Legion events!
Thanks for reading!