Recusant First Impressions

The Recusant! The anticipation for this release was higher than any other in this wave. This ship is the most unique large base in the game, in my opinion. With its native evade and its sideways arcs, it has brought a SHIPload ;) of new hotness to the game.
Just like the other larges from wave 10, this thing has the fantastic ability to sink. 3/3/2 and 8 hull sounds decent, and it mostly is, but its token suite lacks any redundancy. This is painful, but the suite is still better than those on the Ventaor and Providence. Another huge issue is that it has no access to a defensive retrofit that could even keep it on the board longer. There are other ways to try and make it defensive, but I think it'll really shine if you treat it like a big MC30, i.e., jamming it into ludicrous speed, then dropping 58 dice into a Consular and running away.
Offensively this thing packs a serious punch! 10 dice on double arcs plus all the possible nonsense you've added can make it throw an obscene amount of dice (ex rax, TF-1726, swivels, CF, etc.) The Recusant can easily double arc and destroy other larges in two or even one activation(s) (unfortunately, I can say that from personal experience, thanks, Madaghmire).
Overall I can firmly say that the Recusant is an exciting ship, especially on offense. I look forward to learning more about how it flies.