Battle Deck Decisions - Conditions (Green)

Building a Battledeck for Legion is one of the most brain-melting things to do in the game. Each player must bring 4 Deployment, 4 Objective, and 4 Condition cards with every army. The Blue player is whose battle deck you use during a game. Players take turns voting on which cards to use for each game, only one of each type is used. Today I will talk about how to choose Condition Cards (Green) for your Army.
If you are confused at any time with any of the wording, I have compiled some of the more pertinent ones here. For a deeper dive into the Core Rule Book, go here.

Clear Conditions is the Battle Lines of conditions. It has no effect. Just like Battle Lines that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad choice. Some armies appreciate having no special effects to deal with. I would recommend avoiding this condition with short-ranged units though, anything you can do to keep them from getting shot is better.
Lists That Work Well:
- Gunlines. The more long-ranged units you have, the better off you are.

I'll take most forgotten objectives for $1000 please Alex. I've played Hostile quite a few times but I think I've remembered Hostile maybe twice. It's not a super hard condition to deal with and actually promotes some smarter play if you're thinking about it. You don't really want to be leaving things out in the open anyway. It's a fairly neutral condition, I think most lists can take it. Higher courage is probably better and you can hope that your opponent doesn't have high courage floating around, but once again it's fairly easy to mitigate.
Lists That Work Well:
- Everything

Limited Visibility is a favorite of mine. As a Rebel player, the less shooting that is done to me the better. Use the "cloud cover" to advance into better positions with full units and/or close range with melee and short-ranged units. Don't bring Lim Vis with long-ranged units or gunlines, with those you want to shoot as soon as possible.
Lists That Work Well:
- Melee and Close-Ranged units. This gets them closer without taking shots and weakening your attacks.
- Special note for Rebel players here: I've had a few lists where I didn't bring Lim Vis but my fellow Knoxvillian Ryan Sliwoski, you may know him from the STABcast or from being a general menace with Taun Tauns, suggests always bringing Lim Vis with Rebels. The fewer dice you're rolling the better.

Minefield is another one of those conditions that I think I've played all of once. I can't really say much about it except to seems like a decent way to really zone the map in your favor. Keep your opponent away from certain objectives or areas. I'm just not too sure.
Lists That Work Well:
- Repulsors are a good call since they don't set off the mines, but that's all I got here.

Rapid Reinforcements, on the other hand, I have played a ton of. I love it. In the soon-to-be days of Dark Troopers, I am starting to re-think my attachment to this objective though. I'd probably still say take it if you're bringing things that really benefit like FD Canons, Dewbacks, or even MK2s and Mortars. When you pick your reinforcement(s) pick wisely. Make sure it is a unit you really don't need during turn one and make sure your opponent can't effectively zone you out from where you want to go.
Lists That Work Well:
- Emplacement Troopers are pretty key targets here, especially the 1.4 FD Canon since it has "stationary." Use this to A: keep your emplacement at full health for as long as possible and B: Get them into a steady position they couldn't otherwise get to.
- Slow-moving or even fast-moving melee units. Think Dewbacks, Wookiees, Imperial Royal Guards, etc. Stuff that you want to get as close as possible with as much health as possible. 4 Wookiees hit a lot hard than 2.
- Dark. Troopers. nuff said.

Fortified Positions is a card that I've only recently started to enjoy. I used to wonder why anyone would want 8 more barricades on the field because why give your opponent all of that extra cover, but now I've seen the light. Stacking up a fat gunline of clones behind 2 layers of double-wide barricades feels amazing. With the new cover rules, I suspect this card will be more common. This is a really easy way for Civil War strike teams to activate low profile. I would not recommend bringing this objective with vehicles since they do not benefit from barricade cover. I also wouldn't suggest this with a lot of mobile units since they probably don't want to be sitting in the same spot for too long.
Lists That Work Well:
- This is the gunline condition. Stack those bodies up behind some ideally placed cover and shoot the hell out of the opposing army.

Supply Drop is in a weird spot for me. I think it is a lot of fun, but I don't think it is particularly useful. I feel like a lot of times when I bring this card it ends up benefiting my opponent more than me. I have found some success with it, but not a lot. That clutch Bacta Capsules pull can shift a game in your favor but that's only a 12.5% chance. Not worth building around in my opinion.
Lists That Work Well:
- Pretty much anything can work but not everything does.

The last of our current condition cards is War Weary. This is a pretty commonplace card. All it does is reduce your commander's effective panic-sharing range to one (or two with Commanding Presence). This is one of those cards that can really mess up your opponent if you play it so, in my opinion, it's more used as a forced vote during battle deck setup. If this is number one or two in your battle deck flop you can usually force your opponent to vote it out which means they're not voting out more impactful things like objectives.
Lists That Work Well:
- High Courage units, particularly corps. Phase 2 clones, B2s, Vets with MK2s, and Shores with Mortars. You can also bring the officer upgrades in your other corps to make them courage 2.
With a lot of this Battle Deck talk, I am speaking mostly in my own opinion, so if you've had success opposite of what I've said keep it up! You'll probably catch some people off guard using uncommon choices.
Thank you for reading! Let me know what cards you've had success with!