Ministravaganza Reveals!

Ministravaganza Reveals!

What a weekend for all of these games! Not only did Legion get another edition, but we were shown quite the pipeline for future release too! We have seen releases all the way out to early 2026, which is not only exciting but also comforting. Let's look at all the cool new stuff from the streams!

Near Future (2024)

I am quite excited about this unit. They look like a lot of fun. I think they're going to be pretty good too, particularly with the Astromech in tow. There's some good flexibility here too, but I think I'm going to start them with a Range 2 saturation list. Han, Fleets, Sleepers, etc.

These guys look neat. I'm not super sure if this was really a release that Empire needed? Melee corps are cool, but with various nerfs to Melee and buffs to the other corps options, I'm not sure these guys have a solid home yet.

Future (Q1-Q2 2025)

Legion Crab Rave! These little gremlins look neat as well. Again, not really sure CIS needed another Athropod Droid in the mix. These guys don't really seem like they do anything particularly different than Spider Droids, the exception being Scout and Scouting Party. I'm curious to see if they will see much play or not.

Holy hell these things look large. I am anticipating a heavy unit, just like Dark Troopers. I bet these guys will get a similar treatment, maybe even unstoppable.

Yesss, ARFs are my favorite clone style. I imagine a scouty/infiltrating ranged unit. I wouldn't be mad if they were on the cheaper side but had worse saves or something like that. Also of note is the Generic Jedi. He is going to be an upgrade for both ARFs and ARCs. I am very curious to see what he brings to both units.

Not a lot to say here except that I am happy we will be getting enough minis in each box to support the big unit upgrades. The hard-plastic also lends itself to much crisper and cleaner-looking minis, which I am a fan of.

I was not intending on getting many of the resculpts, mostly because I already have a full collection when it comes to Rebels and Empire but damn! These look awesome. The twilek heads look amazing and I am a big fan of the theme they went for with these guys. I will likely need to scoop up at least 2 or 3 of these boxes.

Crisper and cleaner. Not a lot to say for these guys. I feel like this is the most skippable resculpt of them all.

MORE TWILEK HEADS! I like the look of this expansion a lot. They did mention a few other head options for both these guys and the Rebel Troopers, and they said it's not too hard to swap between the two expansions. I am glad my Rebels will finally have some more Aliens in the mix.

God, all of these look great. I am very excited for this pack. Yellow Jacket Luke is awesome and gives me a reason to throw Commander Luke onto the table. I am a little bit sad that the Leia sculpt is just the exact same as her Shatterpoint one though.

Vader looks particularly angry here, which I love. Veers looks nice too but again, I think they just shrunk his SP model down.

I am a big fan of these new sculpts as well. I really like the look of the Phase 2 helmets here, but with some stuff later in this article, I don't know if I will go P1 or 2 for my GAR army.

FINALLY! They've been teasing her for ages and finally showed us her minis. This expansion will be coming with two versions of Ahsoka. Padawan Operative and Mandalore Arc Commander. I cannot wait to see how they differentiate between the two.

This expansion is what is giving me pause on the Phase 1 vs 2 look. I am generally a bigger fan of Phase 2 Clones, but these guys have an AOTC look to them, which I absolutely love. I am also curious to see what they are capable of on the table.

Cute little buggers. I'm not sure what they'll do, but I'm sure they'll look cute while doing it.

Woah! Finally some Thrawn action! We also have Krennic's resculpt here, which is cool. I am really not sure how they are going to make all four of these guys and veers feel different from each other, but I am excited nonetheless. I'm imagining a similar thing to the Super Tactical Droids. Where Tagge is the baseline unit and you can pay a little extra for either Tarkin or Thrawn for some better upgrades.

They said "Stuff Riding Things" is a theme for early 2026. I am very happy to see Grievous on his bike. They said we will also get another unit or two on the bike with him, looks like maybe a Magna and a Commando Droid. Han and Luke on the Tauns look awesome too. I am hoping they will be Commanders or Operatives, but only time will tell.

I am hoping they also give us Obi-Wan on the big lizard around this time too. I think that would be very neat!

Thanks for reading!