Objective, Deployment, and Condition Keywords Glossary

This is a list of keywords and other phrases used by the official Objective, Deployment, and Condition cards. You can use this while you read those articles in order to understand exactly what is going on.
Unit Leader(s): This refers to all units on the board. A unit has a unit leader as long as it is alive. Single-model units like characters or vehicles are also considered to be their own "Unit Leaders"
Trooper Unit Leader(s): This is the same as above. If the objective, condition, or deployment card specifies "Trooper Unit" or "Trooper Unit Leader" then only they are affected or count towards scoring. This means no Vehicles.
Creature Troopers and Emplacement Troopers: Creature and Emplacement Troopers are trooper units. It is stated directly in the Core Rule Book (CRB) that they cannot perform the Claim -> or Sabotage/Repair actions listed on cards.
Claim: A claim is an action listed on a number of cards. If it has a single -> arrow then it is an action. If it has a double >> arrow, then it is a free action.
Drop: A drop is an action listed on a number of cards. If it has a single -> arrow then it is an action. If it has a double >> arrow, then it is a free action.
Deployment Zone: This is the area specified by the Deployment card you are using. It s marked with L-shaped tokens before deploying forces. The deployment zone stays the same for the duration of each game.
Objective Token(s): Tokens used to mark objectives. Sometimes replaced by models such as transponders for Intercept the Transmissions or boxes for Recover the Supplies.
Condition Token(s): Tokens used to mark Conditions. Sometimes replaced by models such as Boxes for Supply Drop or Bombs for Minefield.
Within, At, and Beyond: "Some abilities require two objects to be at, within, or beyond a certain distance from each other. An object is at a range of another object if any portion of it is inside that range as measured by the range tool. For a unit to be at a specified range, only one miniature in the unit must be at the given range. An object is always at any range of itself.
An object is within a range of another object if it is entirely inside that range as measured by the range tool. For a unit to be within a range, all miniatures in the unit must be within the given range. A unit that is within a certain range is also at that range.
An object is beyond a range of another object if it is entirely outside that range as measured by the range tool. For a unit to be beyond a range, all miniatures in the unit must be beyond the given range." -straight from the CRB
End of the Game: This refers to the end of the game. That doesn't necessarily mean turn six, but can also mean the turn that you end on during a timed tournament.