Ministravaganza Reveals!

Woo! Ministravaganza strikes again! Thank you Atomic Mass Games for giving us some absolutely stunning stuff. I am super excited for each and every one of these releases and I cannot wait to get my hands on them!
There is much to cover here, so let's jump right into it! As always, I will be talking about everything very briefly, maybe giving some first thoughts and waiting until full reveals to go any deeper.
Near Future (2024)

Holy moly I am excited for this Squad Pack. Crosshair looks like an absolute beast and I cannot wait to see how he fits into the overall Imperial gameplan! Off the cuff, I think Iden + Cross will be amazing and I know I will be trying Cross/Wrecker/Techo + Hunter/Rex/Commandos for full clone craziness!

Firebrand is an awesome name. I cannot wait to get this guy on the table. I am very curious to see what his stance card looks like, I assume it will be pretty awesome, likely loaded up with conditions! I hope the Support is as cool as he is.

OUUUUU BABY! Paz looks Awesome. I cannot wait to get him and the Armorer on the table. I am going to have some serious trouble putting him down. He is everything I want in a unit.

These guys are very neat. I love the rocket pose for the back one. Their abilities are cool but I am mostly just excited to play around with Paz.

Yesssssss. Boba looks absolutely incredible. Dengar is pretty neat too. I am hoping Bossk and 88 are as cool as these two. Big hopes that this box contains at least one 3pc unit and at least one 5pc unit as well as maybe a few cross-era units.

Veers looks so sick. So far, he is the only unit I am a little bit saddened by. I was hoping his Bombardment would be a little more grand, but what he got is still quite good. Snowtrooper is an awesome mini and I am super excited to try him out.

Ho. ly. Mo. ly. Lando is perfect. Assuming both he and Lobot have middle to high-tier stance cards, I legitimately think I will never play a list again that does not include at least Lando, likely Lobot. Lando is probably my favorite Star Wars character these days and I cannot wait to get him on the table.
Future (Early 2025)

Kit Fisto's mini is absolutely gorgeous. I am a big fan of getting more Jedi secondaries and clone secondaries. I hope Fil is a solid choice for clones and I hope his supports are another good 3pc clone unit.

Ki-Adi-Mundi is cool, never been a big fan of him but more stuff is always neat. Shaak Ti, on the other hand, is awesome and I love her. She will also be the first non-primary unit to bring Force, which is amazing. The Jedi padawas are cool. They get us one step closer to an all-Jedi list.
Far Future (Q2 2025+)

YESSSS. I was asked, not 10 minutes before the stream, what my biggest hope for new stuff was. My first answer was "I really hope we see some Rogue one stuff." Here we go baby! These guys look sick and I cannot wait to see what they can do.

Krennic, as always, looks stoic and powerful. I am glad they gave him another Deathtrooper Seoncdary in addition to Death Support and Shore Support.

The rest of the Rogue One crew is looking awesome, as expected. I'm guessing it's Jyn Primary, Bodhi Secondary, and Baze+Chirrutt Support.

Delta Squad looks sick. I feel bad for those who already painted their clone commandos as Delta, but what can ya do?

This is sick. Those Aqua Droids look MASSIVE. I like that they have Riff coming out of water on his base, though I do wonder how they pulled it off in a cohesive way.
I will also be taking a look at the new narrative game modes in a later article!
Thanks for reading!